Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Some non-PhD stuff: Firefox memory leak and Google analytics

I love Firefox. It allows tabbing and seems quite lightweight when compared to IE. But sometimes Firefox can be a pain. On my computer, sometimes it starts taking up a lot of memory for some reason. This is a known memory leak issue, and there is a fix for this. Look here, you can assign a certain amount of allocated cache memory for firefox.

Another interesting piece of software i came across is Google Analytics. It provides useful visitor information for your website. For e.g. if a visitor is a new or a returning visitor, the total number of visitors on a certain day and even the geographical location of your visitors. It displays all these information in a nice way (pie charts, line graphs, world-map display). Try it out . If you are a Google fan, another product to try out is the Google calendar. It's like any electronic calendar with a special feature: for certain countries, you can set it so that a reminder is sent to your celll-phone via an sms. These reminders are sent out right before an event in your calendar. You can set whenthese reminders should be sent to you, for e.g. 15 minutes before an event is about to take place.

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